Falconara Zoo supports conservation projects "in-situ", i.e. in nature, in the original areas of wild species.

Currently, the Zoo promotes and supports okapi, giraffe and cheetah conservation projects.

The Okapi Conservation Project (OCP) operates in the heart of the Democratic Republic of Congo to protect the natural habitat of the okapi and the indigenous people living in the Okapi Nature Reserve. Proclaimed a UNESCO heritage, the Reserve is one of the areas with the greatest biological diversity in all of Africa. The actions that the Okapi Conservation Project carries out are many, from the promotion of scientific research to the controlling of the territory. This strange mammal is considered "in danger of extinction" by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. In about 15 years the number of okapis present in nature has in fact decreased by 50%.
🗓️ 18 October ➡️ World Okapi Day

The Cheetah Conservation Fund (CCF) was founded in 1990 when Dr. Laurie Marker, an American zoologist, decided to found a non-profit organization in Namibia for the protection and reintroduction of these splendid cats into their habitat. The CCF is the most prestigious body in the world for this research, conservation, protection and reintroduction of the cheetah in its natural environment. During the years of activity, the CCF has developed numerous projects aimed at the well-being of felines and other species.
🗓️  4th December ➡️ World Cheetah Day

The Giraffe Conservation Foundation (GCF) was founded a few years ago to bring to light new knowledge on the biology and conservation of giraffes. Since the late 1990s, the population of giraffes in the wild has gone from 140,000 to 80,000 and is lower than that of elephants. A 40% decrease in just over ten years. This is mainly due to the degradation of its habitat, human activities, and poaching.
🗓️  21 June ➡️ World Giraffe Day 

Volohasy: Bamboo, men, and lemurs.
The Volohasy project was founded through the Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology (University of Turin) thanks to the support of UIZA and the partners of the Italian Zoological Parks. This initiative intends to combat the loss of forest habitat, which is the leading cause of the extinction of species in Madagascar. The site where the project is located in the protected area of ​​Maromizaha also called the Rainforest of the dragon trees of Madagascar. 13 species of Lemurs, 77 species of birds, 60 species of amphibians, and 20 species of Reptiles live in the areas and need to be protected, the local population is involved in the project, thus promoting the sustainable development of the inhabitants of the forest. Volohasy's goal is to replant a hectare of bamboo forest within the protected area. The whole work plan will be carried out through the monitoring of the reforestation site through a monthly census of the fauna and the training of local personnel specialized in the management of high-value natural resources.

Save the Caissara
From 2011 to 2015  Falconara Zoo promoted a collaboration with the Punta Verde Zoo in Lignano Sabbiadoro, supporting the SAVE THE CAISSARA project.
This project was founded in 2004 thanks to a collaboration between  Punta Verde Zoo and the IPĂŠ (Instituto de Pesquisas EcolĂłgicas), a Brazilian organization operating in the environmental field. Over these years this project has made it possible to carry out field research between the island of Superagui and Ariri (between the State of ParanĂ  and San Paolo in Brazil) in favour of the black-headed Leontopithecus (Leontopithecus caissara), a small monkey belonging to the family of Callitricidae which today lives only and exclusively in that area of ​​Brazil and is not present in captivity.
In the last 10 years:
- a census of the population of Leontopiteco caissara was carried out.
- some groups were monitored through radio collars to understand their habits and the use of space.
- the local population had the opportunity to confront each other, rediscovering traditions to create a satisfactory legal income.
- an ecotourism project was launched to make nature known in its full respect and balance.
The IUCN is evaluating, based on the work carried out in recent years and the data compared, to review the degree of the threat of the Caissara, moving it from "seriously threatened" to "threatened", which would represent a great success and a demonstration that the work done in the last decade has been of great value.

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logo uiza 2013Membro di - EDUZOO Educare per conservare

Membro di EAZA - European Association of Zoos and Aquaria

logo species 360 Membro di - ANMS Associazione Nazionale dei Musei Scientifici
Partecipiamo a: EEP European Endangered species Program