On Sunday 14th August in occasion of a ‘special interview’ with our friend ‘ Pipistrello (Bat)’ , Giacomo Maltagliati was our guest, he is responsible for the project of the BAT-BOX ‘ ‘A bat for a friend’’. The project, dedicated to the conservation of this extraordinary but not well known group of animals, was conducted by the zoologists from the Natural History museum in Florence in collaboration with Unicoop Firenze. The aim of this campaign is the diffusion of the Bat-Box, small wooden houses that are used to give shelter to these efficient predators of insects.
Talking of which….. insects (but not the ones loved by bats), on 15th August Giovanni Carotti, from The Entomologist Park was our guest. On this day, both adults and children were able to see and touch different species of stick instects: native, tropical and asian. The day ended with another species: The centipede, which tickled us and waved good bye to us with its 600 legs!!!



From left to right: Giacomo Maltagliati and our ‘Bat’, the Bat-Box, one of the species of tropical insects brought to us by the Entomologist.


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logo uiza 2013Membro di - EDUZOO Educare per conservare

Membro di EAZA - European Association of Zoos and Aquaria

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Partecipiamo a: EEP European Endangered species Program